India's Congress-Party led coalition government has won a confidence vote, paving the way for it to go ahead with a civilian nuclear deal with the United States. 印度以国大党为首的联合政府赢得印度议会信任投票,从而铺平了和美国进行民用核技术合作的道路。
The Congress party-led alliance has already secured the vital support of a regional group, the Samajwadi party. But it needs the backing of more lawmakers to ensure that it can win the confidence vote. 印度国大党领导的联合政府已经获得了来自一个地区性政党&印度社会主义党的关键支持,不过它仍然需要更多议员的支持才能确保赢得信任投票。
Both the fate of the nuclear deal with the United States and the government will depend on the outcome of the crucial confidence vote. 不论是民用核协议,还是印度政府的命运都取决于这场至关重要的信任投票结果。
Gravitas, especially confidence in your own abilities and knowledge, is by far the most important of the three, according to 67% of those polled, although it overlaps a lot with communication, which got 28% of the vote. 庄重,尤其是对自身能力与知识的自信,是三者之中最重要的一项。67%的受访者选择了该项,虽然它与沟通有许多重合之处。选择沟通的受访者比例为28%。
His radical leftist coalition, with 162 lawmakers in the 300-seat Parliament, is expected to secure a confidence vote on Tuesday. 他的激进左翼联盟,在议会的300个席位中占据了162席,预计周二将赢得一场信任表决。
With the threat of a referendum removed, George Papandreou hopes he will secure the backing of his own MPs in the confidence vote on Friday night. 目前对公投的威胁已经消除,乔治•帕潘德里欧希望在周五晚上的信任投票中,争取到本党议员的支持。
New allies could help the government survive a no confidence vote and avoid early elections. 新联盟可能有助于政府渡过不信任投票这一关,从而避免出现提前选举的局面。
Greece's new Prime Minister Lucas Papademos and his three-party coalition government have won a confidence vote in parliament with a huge majority. 希腊新总理卢卡斯•帕帕德莫斯和他的三党联盟政府赢得议会信任投票的多数支持。
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is facing a key confidence vote in parliament amid questions over his handling of the economy and personal scandals. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼因其处理经济和个人丑闻的方式而面临着一场关键的议会信任投票。
India's Congress party is frantically lobbying key parliament members to try to shore up support for its coalition government, amid concerns that it may not survive a crucial confidence vote over a controversial nuclear energy deal with the US. 印度国大党(CongressParty)正在疯狂游说一些关键的议会议员,以努力获取他们对联合政府的支持。印度国大党担心,在与美国有争议的核能协议上,联合政府可能无法通过至关重要的信任投票。
But the atmosphere turned difficult on Wednesday morning after the arrival of Kamal Nath, the Indian trade minister who had been in New Delhi helping his government survive a parliamentary confidence vote. 但周三上午,随着印度贸易部长迈勒•纳特(KamalNath)的到来,气氛变得紧张起来。他之前刚刚在新德里帮助政府赢得了议会信任投票。
The confidence vote showed yet again that the opposition, despite the acquisition of Mr Fini and a handful of followers, does not have the firepower to oust the prime minister. 再次信任投票结果显示,尽管反对派议员菲尼和少数追随者已经取得相当数量的席位,但是他们强烈要求总理下台的想法并未实现。
His attack compounded the confusion that has engulfed EU policy after the Czech leader lost a no confidence vote in the country's parliament on Tuesday, forcing him to offer his government's resignation midway through its six-month EU presidency. 此举加剧了令欧盟政策备受困扰的混乱局面。此前,这位捷克总理在本周二该国议会上遭遇不信任投票,被迫在为期6个月的欧盟轮值主席任期中途为其政府提交辞呈。
A right-of-centre caretaker government failed to gain a confidence vote last week, starting a new round of bickering and arm-twisting. 中间偏右的看守政府上星期没能通过信任投票,从而开始了新一轮的争吵和施压。
Inside the chamber, MPs were beginning a three-day debate before a crucial confidence vote in the government. 在议会大楼内,议员们在对政府进行关键的信心投票之前开始了为期三天的辩论。
Parliament will also hold a confidence vote in the government this Friday. 议会也将在本周五对政府进行信任投票。
He lost a similar "no confidence" vote a year ago. 一年前,萨默斯在类似的不信任投票中落选。
Canada's three opposition parties signed an agreement on Monday to form an unprecedented coalition government as they moved to oust the minority Conservative government in a coming confidence vote. 加拿大三大反对党于星期一签署了一项协议,拟组成首个联合政府,在即将到来的信任投票中取代少数党政府。
The stock market rallied after the confidence vote but is still volatile. 信任投票后,股市出现反弹,但仍不稳定。
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a critical confidence vote in both the Senate and the lower house of parliament. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼在参议院和众议院都赢得了关键的信任案投票。
But by scraping through a confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday, the scandal-ridden prime minister has again demonstrated his powers of survival. 但是本周二,这位丑闻缠身的意大利总理在国会的不信任投票中险胜,再次显示出他强大的生存能力。
The Prime Minister George Papandreou, having survived a confidence vote, is trying to put together a government of national unity. 总理乔治·帕潘德里欧幸运挺过信任投票,将推进成立一个全国统一政府。
Since the modulus at characteristic frequency can reflect the reliability of phase at the corresponding frequency, the vote confidence degree is defined in vote process. 考虑到特征频率点的模值能刻画该频率点相角信息的可靠性,在投票机制中定义了投票信心度。